Friday, December 17, 2010

Give Back to the City that Gives Us So Much!

Being a do-gooder sounds like a lot of boring work that you don’t have time for, right? 
Do you like gardening?  Reading?  Practicing that semester abroad’s Spanish? How about playing on the internet or a fierce game of Bingo?  Playing with cats and dogs or doing something artistic? Enjoy teaching sports or just meeting new like-minded people?
You can do any of those things (and more), all while giving yourself warm and fuzzy feelings, by joining New York Cares.
People often ask where I volunteer.  While there are a few different non-profits I am involved with, New York Cares is where I go when I want to do some volunteer work.  Think of all the amazing things NYC has given you – isn’t it time you gave a little back to the Big Apple?
You can go to the New York Cares website HERE and register online.  After you attend a one hour orientation (it is painless, I promise), you can sign-up for any one of hundreds of volunteer projects.
They have something for everyone – every age, skill set, interest, hours available, and neighborhood. Their search engine is great.  It is like a for your philanthropy.  They partner with non-profits all over the city and help match you up with a project that is right for you! 
The best part of NY Cares is that it is flexible for the busy New Yorker.  While about 20% of the projects require a multiple week commitment, almost 80% are one-time commitments.  I am a commitment phobe because of my busy schedule, and also, because I wasn’t sure which projects I would connect with.
I have walked dogs from a no-kill shelter in Williamsburg, played Bingo at a retirement home on the LES, taught senior citizens how to use the internet in Queens, as well as children in the East Village.  The one program I did make the 10 week commitment for, was preparing people in Washington Heights for their citizenship exam.  It was fascinating (and I realized how few answers I knew) and, because of the neighborhood, I really got to practice my Spanish too!
Once you have completed orientation, search online to make art with kids, play with pets, use your green thumb by planting trees or gardening in our city’s parks, use your super math skills to tutor, get a game of soccer going, take underprivileged kids to a museum, prepare  meals for the hungry… there are so many options.  They also are a great opportunity to meet other do-gooders.  I have made some amazing friends through these projects!
Lastly, New York Cares in the midst of their annual Coat Drive.  If you have any coats you no longer wear, give them to those who really need them to stay warm this extra-cold winter!  Click HERE to find details on how to help those in need.

New York Cares is clearly not the only way to get involved, just a really easy way.
Happy Holidays!

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